Suffolk Local Offer

Specialist education in Suffolk

Information on special schools and units in Suffolk.

If it is agreed that a mainstream school is no longer able to meet your child's needs, then we may look for a specialist educational place for them. This could be at one of Suffolk’s special schools, a specialist unit attached to a mainstream school or in some instances receiving their education within an independent setting. Admission to these schools is decided via our SEND Decision Making Panels.

There may be some situations where a child or young person is experiencing a temporary barrier to learning and would benefit from support to help them through this period of challenge. In this situation a child may be referred to an alternative provision.

The difference between Specialist and Alternative Education:

Specialist Education refers to places within special schools, or specialist units attached to mainstream schools. They are permanent places (unless the child or young person's needs change significantly).

Alternative Education is usually intended to be a temporary placement; to address a child or young person's barriers to education and successfully prepare them for reintegration to school.