If you are concerned that a child is at risk of harm, abuse, or negligence, don't hesitate to act. You can report a safeguarding concern and learn more about the process on the Suffolk County Council website.
The Family Support Service
The Family Support Service aims to support families to become more resilient, to improve their outcomes or reduce the chance of a problem getting worse.

Children's social care
There are four levels of social care support available from Suffolk County Council for children with additional care needs.

Parent Carer Needs Assessments
A Parent Carer Needs Assessment (PCNA) is a chance to discuss your caring role and how it affects you.

Short Breaks and Leisure Activities
Every Local Authority has a duty to provide a range of short breaks for children and young people with additional needs and disabilities. Short breaks can include clubs, sports and other activities that enable children and young people with SEND to make friends, try new things and take part in the same sort of activities as children without additional needs.