Every Local Authority has a duty to provide a range of short breaks for children and young people with additional needs and disabilities. Short breaks can include clubs, sports and other activities that enable children and young people with SEND to make friends, try new things and take part in the same sort of activities as children without additional needs.
Why use a Short Break?
Short Breaks offer a range of benefits for your whole family, including:
A break for you
Short breaks allow carers to recharge and to take a break from their caring responsibilities.
Breathing space for your whole family
Short breaks can give you a chance to spend quality time with your other children knowing that your child with SEND is in safe hands.
Time to recharge together
Many of our short breaks are available for the whole family to enjoy together, giving you new experiences and memories.
Our inclusive short breaks allow young people with SEND to enjoy many of the same fun, exciting activities as their peers.
Build confidence and learn new skills
Your child will be given supported, inclusive opportunities to try new things and develop their skills.
Make new friends
Many activities are group based, allowing young people with SEND to make friends with other young people in their area.
Find out more about Short Breaks in Suffolk
Activities Unlimited
Short breaks open to all children and young people with SEND in Suffolk, plus Short Break Personal Budgets.

Health Short Breaks
Specialist residential Short Breaks provided by the NHS for disabled children and young people with complex health needs.

Social Care Short Breaks
Specialist residential Short Breaks from Social Care, for disabled children and young people with complex needs.

Young Carer Short Breaks
Giving young carers a chance for a break from caring.

Welcoming places
Places that accommodate for young people with additional needs.

Short Breaks Duty Statement
Local Authorities have a statutory duty to provide a range of short breaks to meet the needs of disabled children and young people.