If your child has an EHC plan, the planning for the future should start as part of the Year 9 EHCP / Annual Review – this is sometimes referred to as a transition review.
This review aims to assess a young person's progress in education and life skills. This is to ensure the EHCP accurately describes the child or young person’s needs and provides the support they will require in their next placement. It also gives the child or young person and their parents an opportunity to raise any concerns they may have.
Transition reviews should generally take place in the autumn term, and should include advice and information about the pupil from parents, the school, the local authority, and healthcare and social care professionals, where appropriate.
As part of the transition review / preparing for adulthood process, you may find the resources below helpful.
Reviews in Year 9 and 11
Preparing for adulthood resources
- Moving into adulthood plan templateDOCX28KB
- Moving into adulthood example plan (1)DOCX30KB
- Moving into adulthood example plan (2)DOCX31KB
- One page profile templateDOCX297KB
- One page profile - example 1PDF87KB
- One page profile - example 2PDF85KB
- EHCP Review Report TemplateDOCX130KB