Suffolk Local Offer

What to expect during assessment

The assessing clinician may be a paediatrician, speech and language therapist, or educational psychologist. Specialist nurses and occupational therapists may also provide input. Usually, the appointment is with one professional but sometimes there may be more than one person in attendance and this can be called a Multidisciplinary Team Meeting (MDT).

They may have received your observations with the referral but will also ask you to tell them about your concerns, so it useful to keep your own copy that you can refer to. They may talk to your child and try to engage them in conversation or get them to participate in some simple games or activities to observe their responses. They will also consider reports and observations from school or other education settings.

For further information on the diagnostic tools and processes used to diagnosis both ASD and ADHD, please refer to the resource pack referenced below.

Once a decision has been reached there will be a feedback session to explain the results of the assessment.

Advice from parents and carers