Suffolk Local Offer

What to do whilst I wait

I have received an outcome letter, what happens next?

Whether your child receives a diagnosis of autism and/or ADHD, you will be given a plan of care. This plan will include a clear explanation of the assessment results and recommendations for supporting your child's needs effectively.

In addition to the plan of care, we understand the importance of collaboration and coordination among professionals involved in your child's care. We can support you in arranging a meeting with these professionals to ensure that everyone is aligned in providing the necessary support for your child.

Furthermore, we are pleased to inform you that Essex Family Forum has created an exceptional resource pack in collaboration with families. This resource pack focuses on supporting neurodiverse children and has been localised to provide Suffolk-specific resources. It offers practical interventions, resources, hints, and tips based on the lived experiences of local families. This valuable information pack will be coming soon.

We believe that this resource pack will be a valuable tool in helping you navigate the available support systems in Suffolk and provide you with practical strategies to support your neurodiverse child effectively.