Young people who are leaving the care of the Local Authority can receive additional support up to the age of 25, to help them adjust to the adult world. If you are a young person preparing to leave care, your allocated worker should discuss the support available with you, but the resources on this page may also be of interest to you.
Suffolk's Promise to children in care and care leavers

Suffolk’s Promise is a set of 10 promises made by Children and Young People’s services to children in care and care leavers. It sets out what children and young people can expect and our commitment to you.
What are our 10 promises to you?
- You will have a home where you are safe, well cared for and can be happy.
- We will help you see your family, friends and other people who are important to you. If there are people you can’t see we will explain why.
- You will have a Social Worker and you will know their name and how to contact them. They will give you their blue contact card so you know how to call them and who else to call when they are not at work.
- We will listen to you and talk to you about all the important things in your life.
- We will make a plan with you about how best to look after you.
- We will help you to do the things that you like and be the best you can be.
- If you have any problems or worries you can talk to your carer or social worker and they will work hard to sort them out with you. You can also have an advocate, someone to help you have your say, or join Brighter Futures Children in Care Council to give your views.
- We will help you to do your very best at school.
- We will help you to be as healthy, well and happy as you can be.
- We will only tell people things about you if they need to know them to look after you properly.
The Family Business

The Family Business is Suffolk County Council's employment model, designed to empower care leavers on their journey to success. It includes ring-fenced apprenticeships, employment opportunities with local businesses, and a bespoke training and support programme.