01/05/23: The title of this article has been amended to reflect that the new SEND Strategy will now cover the period 2024-2029, not 2024-2028 as previously published.
Our current Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 2021-23 Strategy has been the basis of our work to improve SEND Services over the last three years, and as it comes to an end we want to ask as many people as possible their opinion about what we should concentrate on next.
We believe our work so far has begun and will continue to make outcomes better for children and young people, but we also know that the lived experience of many families has yet to improve. We must make sure that our new strategy continues to address this. We want to keep on doing the things that are working, identify where there are gaps, and understand what else we need to be doing to address these.
We'd like to invite you to let us know what you think the new strategy should include, and what our priorities should be.