Suffolk Local Offer

Our Capital Programme

Our project to develop hundreds of new specialist education places in Suffolk.

In 2018, we reviewed whether there were enough specialist educational places in Suffolk to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND. We called this our SEND Sufficiency Review. The review concluded that we needed more specialist places, and so in January 2019, we started planning how to achieve this. We call this our SEND Sufficiency Plan

As part of this, in 2019 we committed to something called the SEND Capital Programme. With an investment of £45m from Suffolk County Council and the Department for Education, this programme aims to create at least 874 new education placements for children with SEND.

You can read more about the progress of our SEND Capital Programme below.

Opening a specialist unit

What's it like having a specialist unit as part of your school? Ruth Clifford-Turner, SENCO and Deputy Headteacher of Exning Primary School tells us what the experience of opening a specialist unit for children and young people with SEND has been like for their school community.


Deputy headteacher and SENCo, Ruth Clifford-Turner, talks through opening a specialist unit for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).